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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dreaming of Flying

Last night I dreamed I was flying.  It was a magnificent dream and one that have now and again.  When I do, I hate waking up from it because it's so real.  I am usually wearing a long, sheer, navy blue dress that clings to my figure as I twirl and then lift off the ground into the darkness of the night sky.  The night air blows through my long hair like the fingers of a comb to untangle my me not only the physical freedom I long for but the key to unshackling my inhibitions.  I can actually feel the cool air on my body, the feeling of nothingness beneath my feet and the power generating through my body as I leave the earth.  I have always had vivid dreams.  I've been able to wake up and go back into a dream and sometimes I've summoned dreams that came to me when I needed them.  The most fun is when I know I'm dreaming and I can manipulate my dreams......those are the ones that I try to stay in as long as possible.....but something draws me out of them.....and I usually wake up smiling.   I sometimes think my dreams are just another doorway into a world as real as the one I live in....and that someday when my body tires of this one....I will simply slip into a dream.....and then I can fly until I slip into another dream.....and so on.....

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